Medical Billing Services In California
Medical Billing Services In California
Operating with a medical billing enterprise that does not know California medical billing is not a suitable idea. Operating a healthcare facility in California drains multiple resources and frequently leads to setbacks in insurance verification, medical billing and coding, follow-up, collections, and expenses. Statistical research of California medical billing is as follows:
- 22 % Claims are Rejected: Investigators from California Nurse Association located that 22% of the claims submitted were rejected and almost 40% of the rejected claim is never resubmitted.
- 65 % Denials Never Re-Appealed: When a claim is denied, it is often far too costly and time-consuming for a practice to do the necessary follow-up and appeals to ultimately secure payment.
- 10% Claims Incorrect: According to the American Medical Association, up to 10% of claims are not paid correctly and commercial payers on average underpay on 7% of their claim adjudication.
- 11% Revenue Loss: It is estimated that the average medical practice loses as much as 11% of its revenue due to underpayments each year. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), a 20% error rate among health insurers represents an intolerable level of inefficiency that causes a loss of around US$ 17 billion each year.
‘E2E Medical Billing Services is one of the best medical billing companies in California that provide outsourced billing services. By outsourcing it to ‘E2E Medical Billing Services, you can concentrate on practicing medicine and providing quality patient care. Whether you are a direct care doctor or run a specialty training or urgent care facility, ‘E2E Medical Billing Services’ can make your training more profitable by increasing incoming payments. We are an Outsourced Medical Billing Company that provides medical billing services remotely throughout California. When you outsource medical billing to E2E, you can stay free from concerns about any issues pertaining to medical billing and coding and focus more on your training and patients.